
My take on long distance relationships

It’s not easy, I tell you. Every day you get to experience a different kind of emotions. From happy to sad to manic to crazy to angry, etc. You get to think of so many things and you end up blaming yourself. It’s hard. It’ll drain you emotionally, mentally and physically.
Being in this kind of relationship right now, I am slowly learning some things about myself. I know now what I’m capable of and the things that I am not. I have discovered some things that tick me off and things that make me smile. I am discovering a side of me that I haven’t discovered yet. It’s crazy to know that I am this kind of person.
This relationship taught me how to truly understand another human being and that each and every one of us is different. This has taught me how to appreciate the little-est of things and how to appreciate time and attention. Long distance relationship has made me understand so many things and well, I’m still learning lots of things day by day.
Yes, it’s never easy but this is just a phase some couples go through. We can either be strong for it to bloom or to just back down and leave everything behind. I am happy I chose to be strong because someday I know what we’re going through right now will be rewarding. There’s just too much love to ignore it. I am happy with my choice and I like it as it is.
The pain in a relationship comes from trying to force someone to do something they don’t want to do. You are not here to change others. Accept that you can allow them to be as they are, to believe as they do. The only person you can effectively change is yourself. In changing the way you relate to others you in effect change the way they relate to you because you have upset the balance in the way you interacted with them previously. By accepting others as they are, you allow them to grow and to learn for themselves. If you can’t tolerate their behavior, consider whether or not you really want to continue in the relationship, assuming they may never change

We all deserve to be loved the way we want to be loved. The choice is yours.
‘Cause here’s the catch: my chest gets tighter than the usual, my breath gets harder every time and my heart beats faster than it’s supposed to be. 

So yes, I love you and yes, I hate you all at the same time.